Scriptless attack—Use Unobtrusive scripting in malicious way(Bypassing XSS Mitigations Via Script Gadgets)

13/06/2017: This attack was coined as Bypassing XSS Mitigations Via Script Gadgets

Probably You have experienced a situation which your context based XSS payload,composed of javascript command; event handlers and HTML tags, is removed by XSS filters but not the data-_ attributes. The XSS filter only returns some HTML tag (<b>, <a> or <i> ) and tag’s data-_ attributes.

Unobtrusive scripting support for jQuery

Unobtrusive javascript is an approach of separating behavior from presentation or HTML. jQuery, a javascript framework, uses HTML 5 data-* attribute as a way of passing data into javascript.

Crafted context based XSS payload w/ data-* attribute could allow an attacker to call a limited javascript function. for instance, a data-confirm attribute executes a javascript confirm box.

Abuse predefined data-* attributes of Jquery

As I said before, javascript and event handlers of context based XSS payload are removed by an XSS filters but not data-_ attributes. Lucky there are predefined data-_ attributes that we could use. The XSS filters would be bypassed through the combination of data-method, data-params, data-URL and data-remote. These data attributes can send an HTTP Request including its CSRF token to the Origin (an on-site request forgery).

Just like CSRF attack, The attack can force the user to perform state-changing requests like transferring funds, changing their email address, and so forth. But The HTTP request is coming from the same origin.

“data-url” and “data-remote”: Send AJAX request to the given url after change event on element

<input type="checkbox" name="task" id="task" value="1" data-url="/tasks/1" data-remote="true" data-method="post">

“data-params”: Add additional parameters to the request

<a data-remote="true"
  href="/test">AJAX action with POST request</a>

I used <a> tag since XSS filters refuses <input>,<form> HTML tag, My final payload would be this

<a data-remote="true" data-method="post" href=""data-params="post_data_param_its_value">CSRF OF THE WIND</a>

When a victim clicks our injected <a> tag, the browser sends a POST HTTP request including the CSRF token that changes the email address of victim’s account.